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Image by Samuel Girven

How does accountability affect your results?

Do you have a history of starting your fitness plan but not seeing it through and hitting the finish line? If so, then you are not alone. Accountability is the ticket to achieving your goals and ultimately feeling your best self. When you first start any routine of working toward your goals, motivation is usually high. However, motivation will fade in and out over time. When that happens it can be challenging to stick with your routine. When motivation isn’t there we begin to seek out any excuse we can find to justify why we are not going to show up for ourselves.


This is why having someone to hold you accountable can be so vital for success. In fact, having accountability can increase your likelihood of succeeding with your goals by as much as 95%! Having someone that is going to cheer you on, encourage you, and check in with you especially when they see you putting yourself on the back burner makes a world of difference. You will be far less likely to skip your training when you are accountable to someone other than yourself. Choose from one of my plans that includes accountability to help you stay working toward your goals!

Benefits of Training Virtually:

Virtual Personal Training vs. In- Person Training
  • Significantly more cost effective and affordable vs. Over $50+/1 hour session

  • Scheduling flexibility- train anytime that works best for your schedule. Can adjust easily as things arise vs. Limited availability- only able to schedule sessions around trainers openings. Cancellation policies

  • Train with me from anywhere in the world, any time, at the gym or in the comfort of your own home vs. Limited to one set gym

  • Access to message trainer via app 24/7 vs. Only able to ask questions and get help during your scheduled sessions


Workouts Customized For Everyone

Whether you are a beginner, train from home or the gym, or a seasoned athlete, there is a plan just right for you! Everything is customized to your goals, lifestyle, current fitness level, equipment availability, and schedule. (Note: All plans are customized except for the 5 day/week Gym Program & 3 day/week Booty Sculpting Program).

Video Tutorials Of Each Exercise

Video demos of me performing exercises and talking you through good form.

Gym Equipment
Image by Victor Freitas

Track Your Workouts

The app allows you to easily track your progression in the gym by recording your reps and weights used for each set. Keep notes for each workout.

Time Your Rest

Rest times are laid out for you and the app has a built in rest timer to ensure best results and keep you on track.

Choose a plan that offers additional features:

Master Your From

Form feedback given to assure proper form.

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1-On-1 Support

Message me at anytime with questions, advice, form-feedback or support 24/7 in the app.


Life happens and when it does, I have your back! I will hold you accountable and help keep you on track toward your goals. I will help guide you every step of the way and make sure you do not quit on yourself!

Bi-weekly Formal Check-ins

Monitor progress and get feedback one-on-one with trainer.


Custom Training, Nutrition coaching, and accountability
6 months of Custom Training and Accountability
Custom Training and Accountability (no nutrition coaching)
5 day/week Gym Program (non-customized)
Custom Training Only Plan
3x/week Booty Sculpting Program (non-customized)
Custom Nutrition Coaching with Accountability
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